Video Statement by Chris Davies - ENVI Coordinator - on 2004-2" />
Video Statement by Chris Davies - ENVI Coordinator - on 2004-2"/>

[60SEC] Chris Davies MEP (ENVI Coordinator - ALDE-ADLE)

2009-05-14 61 Dailymotion

"60 seconds with... "

Video Statement by Chris Davies - ENVI Coordinator - on 2004-2009 ALDE Achievements.

Reducing human impact on the environment and thus the effects of climate change are arguably the most important political challenges of our times and require all politicians and individual citizens to accept the urgency and scale of the matter.

The ALDE group has been a proactive and constructive partner in the European parliament in passing vital legislation to cut carbon emissions, reduce our energy consumption and invest more in renewable sources of energy.

[60 Seconds] [Statements] [Language EN]